Monday, January 27, 2025
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Sunday Post #438: How Is It Still January?
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Review: Salvation Day by Kali Wallace
Title: Salvation Day
Author: Kali Wallace
Genre: Adult, sci-fi, thriller
Publication date: July 2019
Published by: Berkley
Source: Purchased hardcover
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Synopsis: They thought the ship would be their salvation.
Zahra knew every detail of the plan. House of Wisdom, a massive exploration vessel, had been abandoned by the government of Earth a decade earlier, when a deadly virus broke out and killed everyone on board in a matter of hours. But now it could belong to her people if they were bold enough to take it. All they needed to do was kidnap Jaswinder Bhattacharya—the sole survivor of the tragedy, and the last person whose genetic signature would allow entry to the spaceship.
But what Zahra and her crew could not know was what waited for them on the ship—a terrifying secret buried by the government. A threat to all of humanity that lay sleeping alongside the orbiting dead.
And then they woke it up.
Last year I read Dead Space by this same author... well, I should say I tried to read it because it ended up being my one and only DNF of the year 😅 However, I already owned Salvation Day so I thought I would give this author another chance and, well, I didn’t DNF it! I didn’t love it, but I actually finished it this time! Lol.