Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Review: My Secret to Tell by Natalie D. Richards

Title: My Secret to Tell

Author: Natalie D. Richards

Genre: YA, mystery thriller, romance

Publication date: October 2015

Published by: Sourcebooks Fire

Source: Borrowed from library

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Synopsis: Emerson May is "the good girl." She's the perfect daughter, the caring friend, the animal shelter volunteer. But when her best friend's brother breaks into her room, his hands covered in blood, she doesn't scream or call the cops. Because when Deacon smiles at her, Emmie doesn't want to be good...

The whole town believes notorious troublemaker Deacon is guilty of assaulting his father. Only Emmie knows a secret that could set him free. But if she follows her heart, she could be trusting a killer...

You can't always trust the boy next door.

My rating: ★★★★☆

This book was intriguing from the start. I love a good mystery! I mean, you have Emmie’s best friend’s brother crawling into her bedroom covered in blood?

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Review: Nothing Like the Movies (Better than the Movies #2) by Lynn Painter

Title: Nothing Like the Movies

Series: Better than the Movies #2

Previous book in this series: Better than the Movies

Author: Lynn Painter

Genre: YA, contemporary romance

Publication date: October 1st, 2024

Published by: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Source: eARC for review from publisher via Netgalley

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Synopsis: In this highly anticipated sequel to the New York Times bestselling Better than the Movies, Wes and Liz struggle to balance their feelings for each other with the growing pains of being a college student.

For a few beautiful months, Wes had his dream girl: strong-willed girl-next-door Liz. But right as the two were about to set off to UCLA to start their freshman year together, tragedy struck. Wes was left dealing with the fallout, which ultimately meant losing Liz in the process.

Flash forward months and months later and Wes and Liz find themselves in college, together. In a healthier place now, Wes knows he broke Liz’s heart when he ended things, but he is determined to make her fall back in love with him.

Wes knows Liz better than anyone, and he has a foolproof plan to win her back with the rom-com worthy big gestures she loves. Only…Liz will have none of it. Wes has to scheme like a rom-com hero to figure out how to see her. Even worse, Liz has a new friend…a guy friend.

Still, Wes won’t give up, adapting his clever plans and going hard to get Liz’s attention and win back her affection. But after his best efforts get him nowhere, Wes is left wondering if their relationship is really over for good.

My rating: ★★★★★

Better Than The Movies ended with a wonderful Happily Ever After, so going into this I knew something was going to happen with Wes and Liz, but I was not ready for how heartbreaking this book ended up being...

I can't breathe without you, but I have to...

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Post #419: I Don't Know What Happened With This Week...

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Review: Nothing Better Than You (Better than the Movies #1.6) by Lynn Painter

Title: Nothing Better Than You

Series: Better than the Movies #1.6

Previous book in this series: Better than the Movies

Author: Lynn Painter

Genre: YA, contemporary romance

Publication date: August 30th 2024

Published by: Simon Teen

Source: Read online

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Synopsis: Experience Wes and Liz’s first kiss from Better Than the Movies from Wes’s point of view!

My rating: ★★★★★

The way I am so infatuated with how infatuated Wes is with Liz...

God, I’m such an idiot for her.